Showing posts with label My Little Pony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Little Pony. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

The Little Pony (A Valentine's Day photo shoot)

Happy Valentine's Day everyone, 

Instead of going for the traditional tragic love story for my Valentine's Day themed photo shoot (which I may or may not do next year...because why not?), I instead decided to write a poem. This will be a photo shoot/Lyrical photo shoot in the theme of why I do this blog. It may not be romantic love, but I wanted to kind of thank my dolls and stuffed animals for being around me, since, I feel like they help me calm down when I'm stressed. 

Anyway, on to the photo shoot:  

Love comes in the strangest ways, 
and on the strangest days, 

Sometimes it comes as a way to release stress, 
for sometimes it is for the best, 

and it comes as a toy, 
which brings a girl joy, 

"she's too old to like that" some say, 
but inside she knows she never is too old to play, 

For imagination is a stress reliever, 
and a life saver, 

For if you have dreams, 
then the world is no longer as tough as it seems, 

you can go anywhere, 
and people won't stare, 

You can journey into the unknown, 
set yourself onto a golden throne, 

You will even fly, 
and in that world it won't be a lie, 
for you will be flying up into the pink and purple sky, 

And then at the end, 
after you reached the place where many heroes ascend, 

you'll wonder how you got so far, 
I'll give the answer but I promise it's not bizarre, 

For it links back to that "ugly thing"
some girls commented she should have spent on a ring, 

The pony toy, 
which brought her joy, 
even though it was but a toy, 

For it could take her anywhere, 
and become a wild mare. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do your dolls/toys/stuffed animals make you feel more relaxed when you play with them? What adventures do you imagine with them? 
