Monday, May 9, 2022

What's Happening in This Picture #9 (+ Winning Caption)

                                                  Hello everyone, 

                         I am happy to announce the winner of this round's What's Happening in This Picture?:

Congratulations, Don, you won this round! 
Here is the caption: 
The Beast has come to show Belle his new suit. Belle is reading a book on proper etiquette when having a beast over for tea.

                                                       Now for a new photo to caption: 

What are Felicity and Elizabeth doing? Why is Felicity hiding behind the tree? And what is Elizabeth looking at? Post your captions down in the comment section below. 


  1. Love Don's comment. I am currently clueless about what Felicity and Elizabeth are doing (though Felicity looks as if she might have been indulging in things to produce an 'altered state'. I will give it some thought and hopefully come back.

  2. Felicity and Elizabeth were playing a rather intense game of hide and seek. Felicity thought she had the best hiding place, but Elizabeth found her anyway.

  3. Felicity is trying to flush out Elizabeth. "Look! It's Halley's Comet!", says Felicity. She knows Elizabeth will step out from her hiding place to look.

  4. Good post :) would you like to follow each other? if answer is yes, please follow me on my blog &I'll follow you back...


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