Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy Saint Patrick's Day (Post by Willa.)

Hello everyone this is Willa, happy Saint Patrick's Day.
Now...Saint Patrick's day isn't just about wearing green, and going to parades and stuff like that. It is about the Irish culture.

Here are some things I like to do on Saint Patrick's Day:

- Dress up in green.
- Tell stories with my family about Ireland.
- Listen to Irish Music. (Like Celtic Woman, etc.)
- Try to teach my sisters (not including Maryellen, she has one) how to do an Irish accent.
- Do Irish dancing with my sisters.
I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
What is your favorite thing to do during Saint Patrick's Day? 

Your Friend,


  1. I love Celtic Women too!! Have you listened to Celtic Thunder, by chance? Or Anuna? Those are also really good Irish groups :).

    I also was taught some Irish Dance, I do it around the house when I'm bored or I need to get to get somewhere in a hurry. Even though I have hardly any Irish ancestry to speak of (most of my Celtic ancestors were Scottish and Welsh).

    Awesome post, Willa ;)


    1. Thank you, Catherine. I have not, but now I want to.
      Oooh, yes Irish dance can be very helpful for that sort of thing. ;)
      That’s awesome that your ancestors were Welsh and Scottish! :D


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