Saturday, July 11, 2020

Where the Fay Dwell (a Lyrical Photoshoot)

Hello everyone, 
I hope you are doing well, I know the quarantine is hard. But to cheer you up, I have a lyrical photoshoot to present, I took the photos beforehand and decided to write the poem later. 

So here it is: 

I know a place where the fay live, 
it is near a cave, 
with sparkling crystals that will make your heart lie still, 

In the glenn, 
which has been talked of by wise men, 
the fay fly, 
into the summer sky, 

There are tales spun, 
but of them none of them lie, 
For if you believe: you will see the fay fly, 

They hide in flowers, 
they particularly like sun flowers, 

But if you believe they may come near, 
If you are sad they will wipe away a tear, 

If you are happy, they will play a lyre, 
They are the fay, 
and if you believe they will surely come to play. 

Do you have any favorite stories involving fairies? If so, I would love to hear in the comments. :D 



  1. Hi Quinley,
    So pleased you paid a visit the Elvin Forest . . . the fairies led me here. :)
    I shall add you to my reading list over at Xanadu Dolls.
    Big hugs,


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