Thursday, September 9, 2021

Rebecca (A Photoshoot)

 Hello everyone, 

I'm going to let people have time to post their captions, before I pick my favorites. In the meantime here is a very Fall themed photo shoot featuring Rebecca: 

I really like this photo.

I like the angle of this one. 

I really like the colors in this photo. 

Which photo is your favorite and are you excited for October? 


  1. I’ll probably do a fall shoot in October or November since leaves don’t fall as early here.

    1. The leaves haven't fallen yet where I am either, this is actually a photo shoot I took a few years ago. :D

  2. Number 6 and no, it just gets colder

  3. I love this photoshoot, you did such a good job. My favorite of the photos is probably #3 and #7 :)

  4. I love Rebecca and I got her for my birthday. I did not unbox her yet because me and my mom want to make an unboxing video and put it on my YouTube channel.

    1. That's so cool that you got Rebecca, too. :D Also, I'll be sure to watch your unboxing video once you post it.


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