Thursday, June 23, 2022

A Fine Summer's Day (A Photo Shoot)


                                                           Hello everyone, 

                  I thought today was great day for a photo shoot, anf the doll who would be perfect for it, would be: Tauriel's and Legolas's daughter, Astrid. I made a photo shoot with her, before here, but she wasn't alone. So I figured it was time for her to have a photo shoot of her own. 

And a quick reminder, you can still leave a caption on this round's What's Happening in this Picture here

But back to this post let's begin: 

I really like this photo. 

I like the angle of this photo. 

I think this photo is one of my favorites. 

I really like this photo for some reason. 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which photo is your favorite? What is your favorite part about summer? 


1 comment:

  1. Those are wonderful photos :-D Hard to pick, maybe touching the tree :-D

    All the insects and bees and ducklings and wildlife is my favourite part of summer. I am not a fan of warm weather and thankfully here in Scotland we don't get much haha!


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