Monday, February 27, 2023

What's Happening in This Picture #17 (+ Winning Caption)

 Hello everyone, 

I am excited to announce the winner for this round: 

Congratulations, Anonymous, you won this round! Here's the caption: 

           “This is a rare moon bloom flower. It only blooms at night! It smells good, smell it!”

     Now for a new photo to caption: 
What is Molly doing? Why is she wearing glasses? Is she pretending to be a spy? A movie star? Post your captions in the comments down below. 


  1. Molly: "Hello universe! It's me, Molly Mclntire the most famous girl in the world!
    Someone in the background: Uh Molly who are you talking to?
    Molly: Everyone! I'm talking to everyone!

  2. Molly: I've got the flashy sunglasses, now I just have to practice taking them off dramatically.


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