Sunday, October 10, 2021

Morning Yoga (A Lyrical Photo Shoot)

Hello everyone, I thought I would do another lyrical photo shoot, and I am giving people time to leave captions on this post. On with the photo shoot, the poem was inspired by my experience with yoga: 

Your hair in a ponytail is tied, 
Thoughts in your mind flied, 

Thinking about the things you've done, 
Mistakes you've frowned upon, 
                                                          How life continues to go on 

You take a deep breath, 
Letting the breath remove what little thoughts you have left, 
Disappear into the depth, 
Of your mind, 

Meditation is the key, 
From life's sufferings to be free, 
You place your leg upon your knee, 
And imagine yourself becoming a tree, 

You stretch, 
Feeling like you will get your body to its best, 
Breathing deeper with every breath, 
Your mind sometimes moves, 
But you tune it out with tunes, 
of Ooo, ah, and eee, 
And your mind feels free, 

You sit with your legs curved, 
Your body no longer feels nervous or unnerved, 
With that you clasp your hands together, 
Feeling much better, 
You then say "Namaste!"
And are ready for the rest of your day!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Have you ever done yoga? If so, what is your favorite yoga pose? 


  1. I did yoga years ago, and should really, really start again. These days some bricks are more supple than I am.
    I liked sitting in lotus (which is no longer even remotely possible).

  2. Great inspired poem! I have tried some yoga, don't like being upside down is all.

  3. I tried yoga, but I stink at it because I’m so *cough cough* clumsy

  4. This amazing! Great photos and great lyrics :)

  5. Wow, This is an amazing poem! I have never tried yoga but maybe someday I will!


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