Thursday, October 21, 2021

What's Happening in This Picture #4 (My Favorite Captions + Voting)

Hello everyone, 

It was fun to see what everyone came up with for this picture. 😊

Here are some of my favorite captions from this round of What is Happening in This Picture? Once again, if your caption didn't get chosen, please don't feel bad. I can only choose a small number of captions for each contest. Even if you don't get chosen this time, you will have a chance to leave another caption on the next one. 

    Caption by Hailey at Hailey's Joyful Dolls

Hara: Come Aphrodite we have to get this just right

Aphrodite: Ugh why are we even recreating this stupid painting anyway?

Hara: It's not stupid it's a work of art

    Caption by Christine at Christine's blog

Aphrodite, you didn't get vaccinated did you, that's irresponsible! 

Hera, I don't see Covid as a threat, I am a Goddess!

    Caption by Sadie at Cinnamon Bears and Salsa AG

Hera: Expelliarmus!
Aphrodite: Hera! This isn’t a Harry Potter roleplay! This is Lord of the Rings!

Here is how you can vote for your favorite caption, you can either do it through this form (which is anonymous) or you can vote for your favorites down below in the comments section. 



  1. Thanks Quinley for choosing mine as one of your favorite captions, this was a lot of fun :)

  2. My vote goes to Sadie.
    Signed, Treesa

  3. I loved all of the captions.
    I was thinking that both were saying 'I LOVE your dress' while thinking but mine looks better.


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