Friday, October 1, 2021

What's Happening in This Picture #3 (+ Winning Caption )

Hello everyone, 

I am happy to announce the winner of this round's What's Happening In This Picture? 

Congratulations, Sadie at Cinnamon Bears and Salsa AG you won this round! Here's the caption: 

    Z: Tenney! What are you doing? Get down from there right this instant.
Tenney: oh, you know me. Always coloring outside of the lines and finding new ways to capture my creativity in a brand new way…….

                                                 Now for new a photo to caption... 

What are Hera and Aphrodite doing? Why are they pointing at each other? 
Are they cursing each other or working together magically? Put your caption in the comments down below. 



  1. I haven't been reading your blog long enough to know which one is Hera and which one is Aphrodite, but here's my caption suggestion.

    "No, you put your 'left' hand in and you shake it all about. It's called the Hokey Pokey."

    Signed, Treesa

  2. Replies
    1. Aphrodite, you didn't get vaccinated did you, that's irresponsible! Hera, I don't see Covid as a threat, I am a Goddess!

  3. Congrats Sadie :)

    Hara: Come Aphrodite we have to get this just right

    Aphrodite: Ugh why are we even recreating this stupid painting anyway?

    Hara: It's not stupid it's a work of art

  4. Hera: Expelliarmus!
    Aphrodite: Hera! This isn’t a Harry Potter roleplay! This is Lord of the Rings!


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