Sunday, April 10, 2022

What's Happening in This Picture #8 (+ Winning Caption)

Hello everyone, 

I am happy to announce the winner for this round's What's Happening in this Picture:  

Congratulations, Anonymous! You won this round, here is the caption: 
She is going to a garden party. She is excited as it is her first time out since the covid.

                                                         Now for the next photo to caption: 

What are Belle and the beast doing? What book is Belle reading? And where are they? 
Either leave a caption as to what they are saying, or write a description in the comments down below. 


  1. The Beast is getting ready for his audition for the stage play, Snow White. Belle is helping him run his lines, he is trying for the role of Grumpy.

  2. Congratulations to anonymous - and I really like the caption for this week's image as well.


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