Saturday, April 2, 2022

Mustache Crown Award (Part two): The Hairstyle Tutorial

Here's the second part of the Mustache Crown award, which is the hairstyle tutorial. 

Also, as a reminder, you can still vote for your favorite caption here

But let's get started: 

Firstly, you need a doll with long hair. I am using Julie for this, because her hair is very long. But any 18 inch doll with the hair the length of Julie's would work too. 

And you also need a pony-tail holder of some kind. 

For Julie, one side of her hair is already braided, but if your doll's hair isn't braided on both sides braid it. 

Next, put the two braids together and then begin wrapping them as you would a normal braid (but instead with only the two braids of hair). Tie them off at the end with a pony tail holder. 

            Now that you're done, here is what the hairstyle looks like from the front and the side:

What's your favorite hairstyle to wear or do on your dolls? 


  1. That looks lovely. It is a very long time since I have had dolls - and my brother shaved and decapitated those I had all those years ago.

  2. That hairstyle is so cute 🥰 Especially on Julie :)


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