Monday, October 10, 2022

Doll Photography #11

                             Previous parts: #1#2#3#4#5#6, #7#8, #9, and #10

                                                                         Hello everyone. 

I'm back with another installment of Doll Photography. This series includes photos that did not make it into previous photo shoots for various reasons. 

                                                  Anyway, let's begin: 

I really like the way Rowena's hair looks in this shot contrasted with her eyes. 

I like this partial close up of Z's face. 

This photo did not end up getting included in this photo shoot I posted a couple years ago, but I really like the way the brick background looks. 

I really like this photo of Captain Marvel. 

And I really like the way this photo of Seven of Nine looks. 
Which photo is your favorite? 


  1. These are good. My favourite is the first, the way her hair is really appealed to me :-D


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