Saturday, September 24, 2022

Autumn is Here (A Photo Shoot)

I decided it was time to share this photoshoot with Leah. Since we just celebrated the Equinox, I thought this photo shoot of Leah wearing summer clothes while playing in the leaves, showing a transition from summer to autumn, was fitting. 

Here it is: 

I really like the colors in this photo.

Leah's sloth decided to join in. 

My dog ended up in this photo, but I like it anyway. 

Leah's Sloth is enjoying the leaves. 

I like the profile shot in this photo. 
I really like this photo with her compass. 

Which photo is your favorite? And is there an activity, or holiday you're looking forward to this autumn?


  1. Aw these pictures are all so beautiful <3 I think #1 and #7 are my favorites though :)

  2. This is a great photoshoot :-D I love the camera on the sloth :-D And your dog photobombed that shot! One of my cats did that years back on my nail polish photos and I just kept him in and used those photos to post!


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