Happy (late) Thanksgiving!
I was tagged by Hailey at Hailey's Joyful Dolls. Thank you so much, Hailey. 😁
Even though I do normally make posts on holidays, I decided I would do this one a little after. I wanted to use the tag to reflect on Thanksgiving, rather than posting it directly on the day.
The logo:

The rules:
1. Answer the questions truthfully :)
2. Tag 1-10 friends
3. Comment Give Thanks! or Be Thankful :) or you can feature it in your blog post
4. Tag the creator
5. Use the Give Thanks! - Thanksgiving Tag photo (the photo I used above) if you want to :)
What is your favorite thing to do on Thanksgiving?
I usually like seeing friends and family during that time. It is nice to see family members you have not seen in a long time.
Do you dress your dolls up for Thanksgiving?
I like to, but I also like to take photos of my dolls outside when the leaves have just fallen.
What do you eat on Thanksgiving?
Here's a list of some of the foods I like (for Thanksgiving):
* Cranberry relish.
* Pie, different types of pies (Cranberry, Pumpkin, etc.)
* Pumpkin Bread.
* Turkey.
What are you thankful for this year?
In no particular order:
* My Family (including our dogs, who are part of the family).
* My Dolls
* My blogs
* Yoga and Tai Chi
* My teachers
* The Theatre
* Animation and art
* The fact that Zoom exists (the world would be so quiet otherwise).
* My friends.
Did you or do you plan on taking a family photo with your dolls?
I plan to, it seems like fun. I haven't done it in a long time, so I think it would be fun to do again.
Did you enjoy this tag?
Yes I did. It was really fun and I enjoyed answering the questions.
I tag:
Queen Elsa
And anyone who wants to do it. (Given that I am a little late to doing this, feel free to do the tag next Thanksgiving if you want).
The questions (for copy and pasting purposes):
What is your favorite thing to do on Thanksgiving?
Do you dress your dolls up for Thanksgiving?
What do you eat on Thanksgiving?
What are you thankful for this year?
Did you or do you plan on taking a family photo with your dolls?
Did you enjoy this tag?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What are you thankful for? And do you dress up your dolls for different holidays?