Sunday, December 12, 2021

Meet My Dolls #1 (Sarah, Z, and Alfred)

 I have posted two of these stop motions before on my blog (one of them I made recently), but since they were at the end of blog posts rather than having a whole post dedicated to them, I decided to make a post dedicated to them.

 I am going to make more of these stop motions,  so this will be a series of short animations relating to getting to know my dolls better.  Also, as a quick reminder, you can still leave a caption on this round's What's Happening in This Picture? 

Let's begin: 

You can also watch it here

Here is Sarah's introduction. Sarah was my first American Girl doll, so I decided she was the perfect doll for the first stop motion. 

You can also watch it here 

The second is Suzanne "Z,"'s introduction. Given that Z is one of my favorite AG dolls, I thought she should be the next doll to make a stop motion of. 

You can also watch it here 

And finally (for this part), I did a stop motion of Alfred. Unlike Z and Sarah he is a Carpatina doll (in case anyone is wondering that is why he looks so different). 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which stop motion was your favorite? 


  1. Very good videos so creative love them all

  2. I loved all of them! But I think my favorite one was Sarah's. You are so creative and talented with all your videos and other posts :)

    1. Thank you, Hailey. :) I'm glad you enjoyed the stop motion I made of Sarah. And thank you again. :)

  3. I am sorry I had not been replying yo your comments on my blog. I will reply to them tomorrow. Great videos!

  4. Woderful photos.
    Have a Happy New Year!


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