Here's the second part of the Mustache Crown award, which is the hairstyle tutorial.
Also, as a reminder, you can still vote for your favorite caption here.
But let's get started:
Here's the second part of the Mustache Crown award, which is the hairstyle tutorial.
Also, as a reminder, you can still vote for your favorite caption here.
But let's get started:
I was nominated by McKayla at Tales of a Triple Threat. Thank you so much, McKayla. 😀
Though the tag was originally meant for my creative arts blog, I felt that it fit my doll blog better. (The reason is, one of the questions related to stop motion animation, which is something I usually do with my dolls).
Also, if you got a random post in your feed that was deleted soon after, that was because I was claiming my blog on Bloglovin . I am so sorry for the inconvenience. BlogLovin' made it so I had to make a post on this blog with the code in order to claim it, and not simply paste the code anywhere else like a page. So, sorry about that.
Anyway, on to the award:
The logo:
The rules:
1) Display the award logo on your blog.
2) Mention Okoto Enigma, the creator of the award.
3) Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
4) Answer 5 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
5) Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
6) Share the link to your best post.
7) Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers and notify them that they are nominated.
8) Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.
9) Continue the chain!!
Three (doll related) facts about me:
1. My first AG doll was Sarah (who is a Just Like You #39).
2. I started doing doll customizations in 2016, though before that I had made Greek Goddess dolls (which I didn't customize but made the chitons and togas for).
3. I really wish movie companies could make more dolls of their characters, given that a lot of the movies I tend to like only make action figures of their characters.
My Best post(s):
I don't have one specific post that I'd say I like more than others,
so here are some posts I had a lot of fun making:
Red Coats on the Horizon (part 1): It Started With a Song
The White Lady (a lyrical photoshoot)