Sunday, March 17, 2019

Princess Rowena (a Photoshoot)

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! :D 

To celebrate I thought I would post a photo shoot that I had been saving of Rowena: 

I like this angle. 

I like how this photo turned out. I actually didn't edit it at all. 

I like the way this one turned out. 

Which photo is your favorite?


  1. Those are gorgeous! Wonderful job. I like the first three the best.

    By the way, I'm trying to remember if we've met or not. I think we have, but I'm not quite sure. Your blog seems pretty cool though! Were you on Kingdom Pen?

    1. (Sorry for responding so late), thank you so much. :) I’m glad you liked my photos of Rowena.
      Thank you, I try to put a lot time and effort into my blog. Also, I’ve actually never heard of Kingdom Pen before. What is it, I'm intrigued?


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