Monday, December 26, 2022

A Girl and Her Cat (A Photo Shoot)

 Hello everyone, 
I figured it was time to share this photo shoot of Lenore and Shakes. I took this photo shoot before it snowed, and it has been a bit too cold to take photos outside, so I couldn't make a new photo shoot. 

But now on to the photo shoot: 

I really like this photo. 

I like how cute this turned out. 

I like this photo of her shoes. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which photo is your favorite? Do you or your dolls have pets? 


  1. Aww these are so sweet <3 My favorites are #1 and #3!

  2. A number of my 18 inchers have pets. American Girl doll Kirsten has a cat, though not the one that was originally made for her. Helen, a redressed Madame Alexander Wicked Witch Of The West and the aspiring writer of the group, has a black cat named Gilbert, after the character from Anne Of Green Gables. And animal lover Bindi, a Battat doll, will take in any 1/3 scale creature that comes her way, whether it's an Our Generation brand ferret or an American Girl brand piglet or a Justice Pet Shop brand llama on a leash named Josie.
    Signed, Treesa


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