Saturday, June 10, 2023

Mud on The Petticoat (a Photo Shoot)

Hi everyone, 
I found this photo shoot I took a while ago and wrote a draft blog post for in 2017/2016. The title is a reference to this quote from Jane Austen: "Yes, and her petticoat; I hope you saw her petticoat, six inches deep in mud." Anyway, since I found it, I thought it was time to post it. 

This one kind of reminds me 
of the movie DVD cover of Pride and Prejudice.

I enjoyed taking this picture.

Which photo is your favorite? And do you have a favorite Jane Austen quote or heroine? 



  1. Fun photos. And thanks for visiting my blog. hugs-Erika

  2. I love the romantic feel these photos give, and that the name and inspiration fit that theme perfectly, as well <3

  3. I love the first three photos in this photo shoot. We don't often see dolls from that angle, but we do see people from that above-and-behind angle, don't we? It's cool to think about different ways to photograph dolls, that remind us of real-life situations.


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