Friday, January 26, 2018

Tricorn Hats & Buckled Shoes (A Photo Shoot)

Hi everyone! 
Today I thought was a perfect day to post a photo shoot, 
anyway here it is: 

I really like this photo of Felicity's necklace (that allows her to time travel).

I really like the angle of this photo. 

I really like how this picture turned out. 

                           I like this picture of Felicity's tricorn hat, because of the angle.

I thought this picture turned out well. 

Felicity suddenly decided to fall asleep during the photo shoot, 
so, of course, I took a picture of her lying in the grass in the sun. 

                        Which photo is your favorite? 
                   And what is your favorite clothing from the Colonial era? 

P.S. This is a update on the doll colonial hairstyle project. I have the materials that I needed, and I think I will be able to work on it, and I plan to make it the next thing I post.


  1. I have that exact same riding habit for my American Girl doll - as well as Penny :). Felicity lying in the sun is my favorite :)


    1. Thank you, Catherine!:) And that is cool, which doll do you have?


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